Unity Course Update


I'm about 20% of the way through the Unity course I'm working through right now, and I just finished a project called "Terminal Hacker."

I basically just followed along with the tutorial for this one--I came up with the names of some Nintendo characters, but that's about all I contributed! 

But I got a better feel for C# and how it's used in Unity, I used Visual Studio for the first time, and I played around with Unity's debug mode.

C# seems similar enough to Java that most of my prior knowledge there is carrying over.

I also learned about enums. In the past, I've used strings to store things like gamestate; in this project, we used an enum, and I really like that better. It makes it harder to accidentally use the wrong value (i.e., storing "gamestarted" in the string by accident when it should have been "gamestart").

I enjoyed this project, and it's been fun getting a little bit of peer review and seeing other people's projects. It's becoming obvious that learning to program and learning to design a program are two very different things, but maybe I'll save that story for another time!

I joined a game jam that started this week, and I also bought a new computer that will come in on Tuesday. I'll probably keep working on my Unity course and work more on the game jam next week, but we'll see what happens!



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