Unity Course Update #2

Hello again!

I'm now ~35% of the way through my course, and I've finished another project! Here's Project Boost:

Fly your spaceship to the green platform

I built this game by following a tutorial, so the finished product feels pretty similar to the original. But the level design and some of the fine-tuning of the mechanics were my own decisions.

I learned about changing the FOV of the camera, using lights, the prefab hierarchy, using audio clips, materials, and a bunch of other stuff. Thought it's surface-level knowledge for now, I'm sure my knowledge will get deeper with time.

Some of the walls move

I'm still learning a lot about making very clear code that is self-contained and easy to read; I have especially learned to keep any particular method from doing too much.

Also, I can use version control now! I'm currently using Sourcetree, and I'm sure there's a way to make it jive with Github; I'll figure that out later I suppose. Here's a link to my Github repo for this project, if you'd like to check out the code. 

It's been really fun to commit changes and keep track over everything I did. I know a lot of people find that boring, but I like getting to summarize my work and get that tiny high from making progress.

Not to brag,  but I'm pretty good at the game

In total, it took my 10 days to make this project. With the knowledge I've gained and the hours of videos watched, I think I could probably produce something similar in half that time now. I might have mentioned in a previous post that I joined a game jam; it ends tomorrow, but this project fits the theme, so I thought I'd submit it, noting that I used a tutorial to make it. It's a beginner's jam, so I think that will be a welcome gesture.

In case you missed the link, you can play the game here.

Next up is a "rails shooter" game. That always makes me think of Pokemon Snap, a wonderful old game for the N64 about taking pictures (They're making a new one, by the way). I don't think this game will be anything like that, though!

Until next time,



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