
Showing posts from October, 2020

Unity Course Update #2

Hello again! I'm now ~35% of the way through my course, and I've finished another project! Here's  Project Boost : Fly your spaceship to the green platform I built this game by following a tutorial, so the finished product feels pretty similar to the original. But the level design and some of the fine-tuning of the mechanics were my own decisions. I learned about changing the FOV of the camera, using lights, the prefab hierarchy, using audio clips, materials, and a bunch of other stuff. Thought it's surface-level knowledge for now, I'm sure my knowledge will get deeper with time. Some of the walls move I'm still learning a lot about making very clear code that is self-contained and easy to read; I have especially learned to keep any particular method from doing too much. Also, I can use version control now! I'm currently using Sourcetree, and I'm sure there's a way to make it jive with Github; I'll figure that out later I suppose.  Here's a l...

Unity Course Update

 Hello! I'm about 20% of the way through the Unity course I'm working through right now, and I just finished a project called "Terminal Hacker." I basically just followed along with the tutorial for this one--I came up with the names of some Nintendo characters, but that's about all I contributed!  But I got a better feel for C# and how it's used in Unity, I used Visual Studio for the first time, and I played around with Unity's debug mode. C# seems similar enough to Java that most of my prior knowledge there is carrying over. I also learned about enums. In the past, I've used strings to store things like gamestate; in this project, we used an enum, and I really like that better. It makes it harder to accidentally use the wrong value (i.e., storing "gamestarted" in the string by accident when it should have been "gamestart"). I enjoyed this project, and it's been fun getting a little bit of peer review and seeing other people...

Josiah and the Singin' Woods is finished!

Huzzah! My first rhythm game and second major project using PICO-8 is finished! Since my last update, I've added a title screen, an ending and score screen, and a difficulty meter (the stars at the top right do something now!). I also made some tweaks based on the completely voluntary playtests that I totally didn't force my friends to do. Here's a 3-minute overview of the way I structured the code and some of the functionality as well: This game's inspiration came from many sources. I have always loved old American folk music, so when I found this song, Bury Me Beneath the Willow, it inspired the whole theme of this game! Here's the version that I ended up liking the most, if you'd like to give it a listen: I also really love Dance Dance Revolution , one of the greatest rhythm games of all time, and it's inspiration is pretty obvious in the project. Rhythm Heaven is a game for the Nintendo DS that helped inspire this project as well, though I've never...