Unity Course Update #2
Hello again! I'm now ~35% of the way through my course, and I've finished another project! Here's Project Boost : Fly your spaceship to the green platform I built this game by following a tutorial, so the finished product feels pretty similar to the original. But the level design and some of the fine-tuning of the mechanics were my own decisions. I learned about changing the FOV of the camera, using lights, the prefab hierarchy, using audio clips, materials, and a bunch of other stuff. Thought it's surface-level knowledge for now, I'm sure my knowledge will get deeper with time. Some of the walls move I'm still learning a lot about making very clear code that is self-contained and easy to read; I have especially learned to keep any particular method from doing too much. Also, I can use version control now! I'm currently using Sourcetree, and I'm sure there's a way to make it jive with Github; I'll figure that out later I suppose. Here's a l...